Friday, January 29, 2021

THIRTY ONE - Sharing TMI but it's the only way!


Joined more Genealogy groups for Help

I just downloaded my DNA to as many sites as I can find. I haven't seen any close DNA matches but who knows what the future holds. I also joined 5 NEW Private Genealogy sites and plead my case. All it takes is ONE person who remembers MOM. I have NO illusions, with the family Colon Cancer history that mom had, she likely passed away. Which is exactly what I was told when MOM's info was run thru the Sheriff's data base. They said Nothing showed up & they said she likely died decades ago. I have accepted it, but I still want to know where she is buried and Maybe find out what happened to her.

It is NOT EASY putting myself out there!

There is something "PRIVATE" about your Family Drama. It's really difficult to purge your PERSONAL DRAMA with everyone on Facebook and the Internet. IF there was Any other way to get the answers of what happened to MOM I would have gladly done it. Instead I am flogging Mom's picture and of course myself and Tina's. Even sharing that Tina passed away 12 years ago feels like Crap, but suck it up Buttercup. LET'S DO THIS!

Timeline is starting to get me focused on perhaps a decade at most. 1979 MOM would have been 47 years old. With her Colon Cancer, life expectancy is about 52 - 56 years old. Hypothetically my search should concentrate 1979 to 1989. I could search as high as 1999. I'm remembering a Genealogy article saying most people don't move too far from  their Circle. NOT true for my MOM, she's been all over the place. When she lived in Toronto tho, she didn't venture far. Was one end of Toronto to the other, but she stayed Inside the city. MAYBE that can be applied to Florida which is the Last place she is known to be?

I am NOT convinced Frank Weir is the key

I spoke to cousin Tina and she said YES Frank was Canadian and she thinks he is from Toronto. I can find Census for a "Frank Weir" in Toronto for 1957 + 1963 as an Advertizing Sales Rep. The address is Chaplin Crescent. When I googled the address it's within blocks of where MOM worked @ Fran's restaurant as a Cocktail waitress. I remember MOM's outfit for Frans well. It was a long sleeve black body suit like ladies wear doing exercise. MOM had sewn fringe around the neck line and wore fishnet pantyhose with heels! Mom would have been 31 years old .... and a Looker. So it is Feasible that Frank and associates would be @ Fran's Cocktail lounge.
Frank Weir then reappears in 1972 CENSUS listed as an "Artist" which threw me for a minute. But in 1974 @ the same address, Frank Weir shows up again as a "Salesman" so its' possible it is the same Frank as in the 60's. Cousin Tina mentioned MOM rented an apt in Illinois in 1971, so I asked IF Frank was there with her. Tina thinks Frank was already "Gone" .... which would fit into him showing up in 1972 Toronto Census!

This of course is all Pondering and Not factual "YET" ~ But IF it is in fact THE Frank Weir, he is already out of the picture BEFORE mom files for divorce in 1979. SO locating him means Nothing. I will follow the lead but I think it's moot.
On the PLUS side a Quilting friend summers in Florida. She forwarded my post to her friends there. Ya never know where the sliver of info will come from that solves this!

FINGERS crossed that baring my Soul will find MOM!

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